Salmon Manual

samcon(1)                                                            samcon(1)

       samcon - reconfigure salmon while running

       samcon port#

       Samcon  is  a  command line tool for reconfiguring salmon "on the fly".
       This is useful for changing the behavior of daemonized  salmon  so  the
       changes affect new child processes.

       Responses  consist of an index used to address commands, the PID of the
       responding process and the requested or reset information.  Parent pro-
       cesses are indicated with an arrow and the PID of the child process.

                           Changable                       Changable
                         while running                   while running
           Salmon option  Yes  No  *       Salmon option  Yes  No  *
         -----------------------------   -----------------------------
         | appname       |   |   | x |   | position      |   |   | x |
         | audiocmd      | x |   |   |   | powercmd      | x |   |   |
         | audiodev      | x |   |   |   | powerlog      | x |   |   |
         | background    |   |   | x |   | poweroff      | x |   |   |
         | clickoff      | x |   |   |   | powertime     | x |   |   |
         | clicksound    | x |   |   |   | refresh       | x |   |   |
         | clicktime     | x |   |   |   | resize        |   |   | x |
         | cmdfile       | x |   |   |   | settime       |   | x |   |
         | ctlport       | x |   |   |   | stepfile      |   | x |   |
         | daemonize     |   | x |   |   | talker        | x |   |   |
         | datadir       |   |   | x |   | tempdir       | x |   |   |
         | display       |   |   | x |   | thermcmd      | x |   |   |
         | exechost      |   | x |   |   | thermlog      | x |   |   |
         | execlog       | x |   |   |   | thermoff      | x |   |   |
         | execopts      |   | x |   |   | thermtime     | x |   |   |
         | execport      |   | x |   |   | tiler         |   |   | x |
         | execstop      | x |   |   |   | timehost      |   | x |   |
         | foreground    |   |   | x |   | timelog       | x |   |   |
         | iconic        |   | x |   |   | timepoll      | x |   |   |
         | magnify       |   |   | x |   | timeport      |   | x |   |
         | moongraphic   |   | x |   |   | unzip         |   |   | x |
         | phasecalc     |   | x |   |   | withdrawn     |   | x |   |
         | pixmap        |   |   | @ |   -----------------------------

       * Changes allowed to parent process only, effect child process only.
       @ Changes may also require "# set tiler ..." or "# set resize ..."

       Samcon  sends  the  real  UID  of  the user to initiate contact so only
       salmon started by the user will respond.

       Commands that effect samcon.

       help/?:   Print a list of commands with explanations.

       scan:     Scan the control port to update the list of processes.

       All salmon watching for a server on the specified  port  will  respond.
       This is called automatically after a stop or kill command is issued and
       should be called if a connected process is stopped externally or a  new
       process is started.

       q:        Exit

       Commands that effect all connected salmon.

       argv:     Print a short list of the startup command line.

       This  will  usually  be an instruction to read the full option/argument
       list from a configuration file.

       args:     Print a short list of the startup options.

       This will be an abbreviated one line list of the options as read from a
       file or as entered at the command line.

       The following commands must be addressed to a specific connected salmon
       or to "all".  "#" is the index of the responding salmon  as  listed  by
       one of the global commands above.

       # argv:   Print a multi line list of the startup command line.

       # args:   Print a list of the startup options as read or entered.
                      Multi line list of options explicitly set.

       # aargs:  Print a list of the current options and their arguments.
                      Multi line list includes options set as defaults.

       # get <option>:     Print the current value of <option>.

       # set <option> <value>:  Set the <option> argument to <value>.

       # kill:   Stop the running child process and start another.

       # stop:   Cause the designated process(es) to exit.

       $ samcon 49999
         01 82536 -> 82537 salmon read 1,clock
         02 81990 -> 81991 salmon read ~cn
         03 82522 salmon read /usr/local/etc/salmon.cfg,alter
       cmd > ?

       Local commands, effect samcon
         h/?/help      Print this list
         scan          Refresh the list of connections
         q             Exit

       Global commands, sent to all active connections
         argv          Print the command line, short list
         args          Print the startup options/arguments, short list

       Directed commands, must be preceeded with an index number or "all"
         argv          Print the command line, full list
         args          Print the startup options/arguments, full list
         aargs         Print the current options/arguments, full list
         get <option>  Print the current value of the named option
         set <option> <value>  Set <option> to <value>
         kill          Stop the current child and start another
         stop          Die without spawning

       cmd > args
         01 82536 -> 82537 salmon -line=linenum=1 panel=1 color=green ...
         02 81990 -> 81991 salmon -execlog -timelog -foreground=#87ceff ...
         03 82522 salmon -position=-64-0 -magnify=2 -foreground=black ...
       cmd > 2 args
         02 81990 -> 81991
       cmd > 2 aargs
         02 81990 -> 81991
         -unzip=/usr/bin/gunzip <
         -tiler=/usr/local/bin/montage -geometry
       cmd > 2 set execlog 0
         02 81990 -> 81991 execlog "0"
       cmd > 2 args
         02 81990 -> 81991
       cmd > 2 aargs
         02 81990 -> 81991
         -unzip=/usr/bin/gunzip <
         -tiler=/usr/local/bin/montage -geometry
       cmd > 2 kill

       The daemonized salmon will fork a new child with execlog turned off and
       samcon will update the list of responders.

         01 81990 -> 83097 salmon read ~cn
         02 82536 -> 82537 salmon read 1,clock
         03 82522 salmon read /usr/local/etc/salmon.cfg,alter
       cmd > all stop
         No response on port# 49999
       cmd > q

       Salmon documentation

Version 3.0.4                     16 May 2015                        samcon(1)
* * o * *