Salmon help

    $ salmon -help

	Salmon version 3.0.4

	salmon [long options]

	Options with global effect, no argument:
	       iconic	start iconic
	    withdrawn	start withdrawn
	  moongraphic	moon phase graphic, uses full window
	    daemonize	run in the background
	      logbeep	sound a beep when a message is logged
	     powerlog	log all power state changes
	      timelog	log all time sync requests
	     thermlog	log all thermal zone state changes
	      execlog	log all remote execute requests
	     execstop	exit after remote execute	* servers only
	     clickoff	shutdown at pointer event
	     thermoff	shutdown at critical temperature
	     poweroff	shutdown at critical power level
	      settime	reset wall clock at startup

	Options that allow or require an argument:
	   phasecalc=	moon phase calculator           * optional argument
	    audiodev=	device to send noise to         * optional argument
	    audiocmd=	replace default audio command   
	     refresh=	refresh rate in seconds         
	     magnify=	panel/window size in multiples of 64 pixels
	      pixmap=	use a background tile or pixmap 
	     appname=	name of application as seen by X
	    position=	position on the screen          
	     cmdfile=	directory/name of command file  
	     tempdir=	pixmap manipulation and log file directory
	     datadir=	location of sound and pixmap files
	     display=	X host name and screen number   
	  background=	background color                
	  foreground=	foreground color                
	   thermtime=	time delay at thermal shutdown in minutes
	    thermcmd=	user command to execute at thermal shutdown
	   clicktime=	time delay at pointer event shutdown
	  clicksound=	sound to make at pointer event shutdown
	    stepfile=	location of afterstep socket    
	    timeport=	number of time sync port        
	    timehost=	name of master time server      
	    timepoll=	poll rate for time sync clients 
	   powertime=	time delay at low power shutdown
	    powercmd=	user command to execute at low power shutdown
	    execport=	remote execute port number	* servers and callers
	    exechost=	name of remote execute host	* callers only
	    execopts=	remote execute options		* callers only
	     ctlport=	samcon access port number       
	       unzip=	pixmap decompress command	* external application
	      resize=	pixmap resize command		* external application
	       tiler=	pixmap tiling command		* external application
	      talker=	speech synthesizer command	* external application
	        line=	define one display line         
	When used at the command line FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Linux
	require one leading dash, NetBSD requires two.
	Unambiguous option abbreviations are recognized.
	Executing salmon without arguments displays:
	    current time as %l:%M|%p|%Z
	    one minute load average
	    free memory
	    free swap
	    uptime as ddd hh:mm
	in salmon on a black background and -magnify=2.
	* An argument to phasecalc[=?] specifies UTC rather than local time.
	* If the audio command needs to be directed to (null), use "audiodev".
	* The execport range is 49152 to 65535 or zero to select a random port.
	* The exechost is the host that will launch the child process.
	* See $ man salmon for details on execopts.
	* The default decompress command is "gunzip <".
	* Pixmap manipulation requires a command line image tool (ImageMagick).
	* Talking clock requires a speech synthesizer (flite).
	Phasecalc uses the full window or one full panel in four panel mode.
	Moongraphic overrides everything except -magnify x and -pixmap 1.
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	Display line definitions: underscore separated list

	salmon -line=type[=argument]_option_option=argument...

	Types of display lines, no argument:
	      memfree	free memory
	      memused	used memory
	     memtotal	total memory
	     swapfree	free swap
	     swapused	used swap
	    swaptotal	total swap
	  swapdevices	number of swap devices
	        load1	one minute load average
	        load5	five minute load average
	       load15	fifteen minute load average
	    processes	running and total process counts
	        share	share memory
	       buffer	buffer memory
	        cache	cache memory
	      uphours	uptime as hhhhh:mm:ss
	       updays	uptime as ddd hh:mm
	       ostype	operating system type
	    osversion	operating system version
	      network	name of the local network
	    moonphase	phase of the moon in text
	   powerstate	power system status
	       volume	volume control function, three lines
	      display	"Display" or setting="|One|Other|"

	Types that allow or require an argument:
	        user=	user cpu percent                * optional argument
	        nice=	nice cpu percent                * optional argument
	      system=	system cpu percent              * optional argument
	   interrupt=	interrupt cpu percent           * optional argument
	        idle=	idle cpu percent                * optional argument
	    hostname=	name of the local host          * optional argument
	       timer=	egg timer                       * optional argument
	       alarm=	one time alarm                  * optional argument
	       reset=	resetting alarm                 * optional argument
	     elapsed=	time elapsed since started      * optional argument
	    calendar=	one or four panel calendar      * optional argument
	     thermal=	thermal zone status             
	      format=	current time, user format       
	      device=	generic device line, reset on first pass
	   devdevice=	device is a file in the /dev/ directory
	       mount=	device is a mountable file system
	   interface=	device is a network interface   
	  remotehost=	device is a remote host         
	     devinfo=	device is a FreeBSD devinfo device

	Line specific options:
	     warning=	warning level for power or temperature
	    critical=	critical level for power or temperature
	       color=	color of this line, may be over ridden
	      color1=	color for normal operation      
	      color2=	color for warning status        
	      color3=	color for critical status       
	       sound=	sound at expiration or when going into warning state
	      sound1=	sound when shifting into critical state
	       panel=	panel number when operating in four panel mode
	     linenum=	location of line in display     
	     setting=	information specific to line type
	     command=	command to execute at expiration or when clicked
	The line syntax is: line= followed by an underscore separated list
	of options in any order.  See the salmon documentation for details.
	* A numeric argument to usage splits specifies cpu number (1 - n),
		no argument or argument equals zero for totals.
	* An argument to hostname[=?] capitalizes the first letter.
	* A timer argument of [[days ]hours:minutes:seconds] begins counting
		down at salmon startup.
	* An alarm argument as [HH:MM [yy/mm/dd]] will expire when due or at
		startup if past due.
	* A reset alarm argument as [HH:MM [yy/mm/dd]] will expire when due
		and reset to twenty-four hours or the specified time ahead.
	* An argument to elapsed[=?] begins counting up at startup.
	* An argument to calendar[=?] replaces local time with UTC.
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