Execute commands
Execute commands

Use salmon to replace up to six desktop icons.
Use a salmon.cfg file:

    # Set commands to be executed at pointer events.
    # Replace six desktop icons.
    # Unique colors can be defined for each line if desired.
    # If a line type is not specified, it will be set to type display.
    line=setting=|Firefox|_command=/usr/local/bin/firefox &
    line=setting=|Magnify|_command=wmagnify &
    line=setting=|Mahjongg|_command=/usr/local/bin/xmahjongg &
    line=setting=|Solitaire|_command=/usr/home/user/bin/ultrasol &
    # If a command starts with a colon, salmon will search the global
    # file for a label of that name.  If it starts with a tilda,
    # the personal file will be searched.
    # These are the two labels referred to above.
    # The command must be contained entirely on one line.
    xterm -font 7x13 -bg white -fg black -geometry 172x58+0+0 -T Midnight -e /usr/local/bin/mc -d &

    gimp --no-splash gimp/1.xcf &

Now swallow it in the wharf:

    *Wharf Commands - Swallow "Commands" /usr/local/bin/salmon -read :commands &

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