Example Salmon Usage

Moon phase in graphics.
It even does the phase of the moon.
A School of salmon.
Foreign fish.
Moon phase calculator.
Previous quarter. Current phase. Next quarter.
Previous quarter, date and time. Current phase, date and time. Next quarter, date and time.
Thermal zone monitor. Networks and hosts. Programable Clock Timer.
Thermal zones. Networks and hosts. Stop watch.
Day, date and time. Mounted file systems. Memory and swap
as percentages.
Day, date and time. Mounted file systems. Memory and swap.
Salmon on PCBSD. Four Panel Mode. Salmon on KDE.
Salmon on PCBSD. Four Panel Mode. Salmon on KDE.
CD Player.
CD Player.
Salmon times ten.
Shushi for the masses.
Graphic phase times ten.
Moon phase times ten.
Salmon with pixmap backgrounds.

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